The Answer

The Answer

La RESPUESTA está dentro de TI

The ANSWER is within YOU

El ritual donde te ayudo a encontrar LA RESPUESTA en cada aspecto de tu vida (dinero, salud, relaciones, felicidad)

The ritual where I help you find THE ANSWER in every aspect of your life (money, health, relationships, happiness)


Only YOU hold THE solution to ALL the problems life throws at you, are you ready to listen to it?

Solo TÚ tienes LA solución a TODOS los problemas que la vida te presenta, ¿estás listo para escucharla?

Próximos Eventos


Del 24 de abril al 12 de mayo de 2024


Del 05 al 18 de agosto de 2024


05 to 28 May 2023


31 July to 27 August 2023


Here's how I can help you

Así es como puedo ayudarte

La gente suele preguntarme cómo puedo ayudarles a sentirse mejor física, mental y emocionalmente.

Por ahí, cada día, hay nuevas personas que te prometen “pastillas mágicas” para cualquier problema de tu vida.

¿Tiene algún problema de salud? Aquí te dan la solución milagrosa

¿Tienes un problema de relación? Aquí está la fórmula prodigiosa.

¿Tienes algún problema con tus padres o hijos? Aquí sacan la varita mágica

¿Tienes un problema de dinero o trabajo? Aquí te presentan la increíble poción.

Estas confundido. Deprimido. ¿No sabes qué rumbo darle a tu vida? Aquí frotan la lámpara y prometen sacar al genio que lo arreglará todo.


La medicina ha dicho muchas MENTIRAS.

El estado ha dicho muchas MENTIRAS.

E. Muchos líderes religiosos han dicho muchas MENTIRAS.

Bien. Si llevas más de diez años en el mundo, es muy probable que tú también te hayas DECEPCIONADO por las promesas de vendedores de humo, políticos, médicos y otros delincuentes.

E. El malestar en el que ha caído el mundo. Es obvio, incluso, a los ojos de un topo.

La depresión va en aumento. El estrés va en aumento. Las enfermedades cardíacas van en aumento. Las tasas de suicidio están aumentando. La obesidad va en aumento. Etcétera.


La verdad es esta.

"Nadie te rasca la espalda tan bien como tú". Esta frase de mi bisabuela (Gina) significa que otros pueden aliviar tus problemas (pero no los solucionan de raíz).

En efecto. Sólo TÚ tienes en tus manos LA solución a TODOS los enigmas que la vida te pone por delante.

Ante esta realidad. Lo cual la industria del crimen no quiere que usted sepa (porque quiere mantenerlo dependiente de las drogas y otras soluciones falsas). Sólo puedo hacer una cosa por ti.

PUEDO AYUDARTE a conocer a TU MAESTRO (y las respuestas que te atrapan).

TU GURU es tu Alma. Tu corazón. Tu Yo Superior. Tu verdadera naturaleza.

Dale el nombre que prefieras según tus creencias espirituales; sin embargo, estoy seguro de que entiendes a qué me refiero.

Puedo mostrarte el camino.

Sé cómo se hace.

He ayudado a muchas personas antes que tú.

Y yo sé. Con absoluta seguridad (tras una larga experiencia que comenzó en los años noventa). Que yo también puedo ayudarte.

No haré nada para solucionar tus problemas. No reclamo este derecho. Como lo hace todo el mundo.

Sin embargo. Te mostrare. Irrefutable. El camino para llegar a la persona que tiene las respuestas a las dificultades que estás encontrando en este momento de tu vida.

Lo garantizo.

Listen to the words of those who have already participated in The Answer

Escuche las palabras de quienes ya participaron en The Answer

  • I wanted to show my gratitude to Elisa and Luka, with whom I had the chance to do an Ayahuasca ceremony last week. I would like to share some of my experience. It was really a very interesting and enjoyable ceremony. Even the place and environment that was chosen made me feel safe. I really appreciate their dedication. The fact that they were really careful to really take my experience to heart. They went out of their way to make me really comfortable. I really felt like I was in my cocoon. Elisa had this maternal attitude. She checked that everything was fine. The music that Elisa sang was really beautiful and it was really an integral part. In my journey with the plant, there was a synchronicity while I was working on my relationships with the family. And once I worked with those relationships, I wondered if there was anything else I needed to do. And in that moment Elisa sang the mantra of OPONO OPONO where she repeats: sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you. And so after connecting with the plant, I was able to visualize myself asking for forgiveness from all members of my family. And that was really an integral part of the ceremony. It is just one example. Of course everyone has their own experience with the plant. It depends on the intention you put into it. My intention was to work in relation to my family. To the relationship I have with my family members. And I’ve had so many great messages.
    Laetitia Jacquot
  • A true guide stops teaching. A true guide stops telling you what to do, how to do. Because a true guide, he silently shows you the way. Whisper. Slowly. Then the choice is up to us. If you take that path there. The famous rediscovery towards ourselves. The scariest thing I think can be done. Because it is something we are constantly looking for. And that at the same time we constantly refuse. Elisa and Luka have become these for me. Guides. And simply, they welcome, accompany, through the powerful tools that nature gives us. I was surrounded by greenery 9 days. It was an intense journey. A little scary. A little joyful. Happy. Today I laugh, because I have had very intense experiences that have reconnected me to my heart. And after such an experience, I see things differently. My perception of reality has changed. And this is the key to everything! Being able to see things from a different perspective. We, on the other hand, are always chained behind the usual perspective that makes us suffer. And so I thank Elisa and Luka. I thank this path. I thank this experience with the Sacred Plants. Making these powerful ceremonials that can only be explained by experience. So I can say, trust me. Trust Elisa and Luka. Trust them. It’s worth it, really. A kiss.
    Silvia Dal Lago
  • Hi Elisa and Luka! This review is to say thank you for the trip you made me do. It is one of the greatest emotions. I have been able to experience in my life. I wanted to thank you and all the guys who have always been close to me at any time. I came here with little knowledge. But I had a lot of faith in the power of plants. I knew how much they really could help people. I came without a goal. But I felt, also through the signals, that then in the end I connected the dots, that it was the right time to do this thing. And I especially liked the first night so much. Because there was a labor. Full of emotions, both positive and negative. A lot of responses have arrived. And then a lot of images arrived that then created the mosaic for me. In these 2 days that I have been here, I know that it would be right to make many other people feel this emotion. These are experiences that people should live in order to really feel good and live the life that everyone wants. Thanks to all the group that went on to create, that’s great! Have a nice trip!
    Giacomo Turnone
  • It was a wonderful experience that I think everyone should try at least once in their life. Many emotions and many sensations. These are not things that happen every day. So many emotions, especially the breath ceremony that really touched me. I felt more physical sensations. It helped me a lot to relax and feel good. In fact now I’m fine. I experienced new sensations. I met beautiful people. In this beautiful environment. In the midst of nature, which I will certainly have to repeat more often because we are part of nature and therefore it is right to reconnect with it to get better and better. Thanks to Elisa and Luka and I thank them for their work because they have to carry all this around.
    Sandro Rossi
  • Hi everyone! These have been enlightening days for me. I came here brought by my partner and therefore I was not even so ready for what I was going to experience. I must say it was strong. For the emotions and sensations I can hardly do meditation or stop thinking and concentrate and I must say that this was the first time. On several occasions, I took a little journey inside myself and felt strong emotions. I recommend it to everybody. Because at this moment we need a lot, above all, to look inside and regain possession and knowledge of what our emotions and intentions are. I thank you all. I got a lot of love. I have met so many beautiful people. I thank Elisa and Luka for the mission they are carrying out and I wish them to reach as many people as possible because their intent is admirable. And their project that they are carrying out in Peru must also be supported with all our strength. I advise everyone to give your help too. Thank you!
    Elena Albertengo
  • Hi, I’m Wanda. I wanted to tell you about my experience with Master Plants. I wanted to tell you how I felt them on a physical level, because this aspect will be very important for someone. I felt very strongly the cleansing of the body. I threw up a pebble of size, like 2 centimeters by 1 centimeter. So I think the plants have also taken away some major discomfort in my body. I experienced the whole journey with plants as a beautiful adventure. Almost a game. A very strong experience. Very particular. Which I think everyone should try at least once in their life. Feel how the plant works. I am very grateful and honored to have met Elisa and Luka personally. I have met so many beautiful people. I am very grateful. They caressed my heart. The plant I think is still inside me. Feel how it works. I am happy to have made all this journey. Thank you.
    Wanda Blaszczak
  • We have almost come to an end with the experience made with the Sacred Plants with Elisa and Luka What can I say! I left without expectations. I didn’t know what I would find. At the end of this journey I take home a deep connection with myself and with nature. Really, an indescribable thing. Taking this path has changed me a lot. It will change me again, I’m sure. It is a path that I will certainly do again and that I recommend to everyone.
    Cristian Gallo
  • Hi everyone! My name is Oscar and I have just concluded the event with Elisa and Luka. Why did I want to participate? Simply because I wanted to meet Elisa and Luka and I was pleased. And also because I wanted to know this method here. This particular method that was truly unique. I had a series of intuitions, one after the other, in a chain. Virtually no end! I was bombarded with insights. And I really understood them, the greatness of life. It is truly absurd. I highly recommend it to everyone, because in any case it is, it is not the first time that I have approached personal and spiritual growth. But it is the first time that such a thing has happened to me. In my opinion, this experience is worthwhile, it certainly enriches you. Thank you all. I salute you Bye!
    Oscar Rella

Here's what I suggest you do now

Esto es lo que te sugiero que hagas ahora

¿Qué significa en palabras simples, conocer a TU GURU? ¿Qué significa conectar con el Alma? ¿El corazón? ¿El yo superior?


Como podrias saber. Cada uno de nosotros tiene centros de energía. Se llaman CHAKRA (según la cultura védica, ahora extendida por todo el mundo).


Se dice que el Alma reside en el Corazón. De hecho. El Alma está en todas partes.

Sin embargo, esta simplificación ayuda a comprender cómo funcionan las cosas.

Ahora. Dejame darte un ejemplo.

Imagina que estás hablando por teléfono con DIOS (tu Alma). Pero estás en el estadio de San Siro durante la final del Mundial.

Italia está a punto de marcar un gol.

El estadio está en pleno frenesí.

Hay una confusión loca por ahí y no se puede escuchar la voz de DIOS.

Bien. Ésta es la situación en la que vive la mayoría de la gente.

Estás en contacto con tu Alma siempre.

Sin embargo. Es muy probable que no puedas escuchar tu voz debido al ruido exterior.

¿Qué simboliza el ruido del estadio en la historia anterior?

Simple. Confunde tu mente. Y la de las voces de las personas que te rodean (televisión, malas noticias, creencias limitantes, etc.).


Entonces, para poder escuchar la voz del Alma, ¿qué debemos hacer?

Dos cosas.

UNO. Baja el ruido de tu mente (y aléjate de la confusión del mundo exterior).

DOS. Aumente la capacidad de "escucha" de su corazón (desbloquee el chakra del corazón) y amplifique su capacidad de intuición (desbloquee el chakra del tercer ojo: la glándula pineal).

¿Cómo se hacen estas cosas?

Simple. Existen diferentes técnicas que se utilizan en varias regiones del mundo.

Los más eficaces son los que provienen del conocimiento ancestral védico (el indio). Los de las culturas tribales de África. Y los del mundo chamánico de la Amazonia.

¿A estas alturas debería hacerte una pregunta?

¿Qué harías para aprender a esquiar?

¿Te gustaría aprender de un curso en línea? ¿O crees que es mejor acudir a un monitor de esquí en pistas de nieve?

No hay dudas. ¿Real?

Hay algunas cosas que sólo se aprenden "ensuciándose las manos". Puedes estudiar todos los textos del mundo, pero la mejor manera de aprender es HACIENDO.

Para esto. Si se siente listo para vivir esta experiencia, programe una entrevista con uno de nuestro personal y lo ayudaremos lo mejor que podamos para encontrar la solución más adecuada a sus necesidades.

Además. Esperamos conocerte en vivo. En el campo de batalla. Puedes preguntarles a los chicos del equipo si pueden indicarte la ruta en línea más adecuada para resolver tu problema.

Las rutas son gratuitas y son nuestro aporte al mundo para ayudar a que muchas personas vivan con más paz, alegría y libertad.

En este punto. Rellena atentamente el siguiente formulario y nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible para ayudarte a resolver tu problema.

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Reserva tu consulta
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We are not doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists nor do we declare ourselves so. The information contained on this site does not provide medical advice. They are intended for informational purposes only to help you in your quest for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and are in no way a substitute for medical, professional advice, diagnosis or treatment from a specialist doctor. If in doubt, we advise you to consult your trusted doctor, or other health professionals, before any use.